

MoMo API SDKs offer a streamlined approach for developers using Java, PHP, Android, JavaScript, Node.js to seamlessly integrate  with MoMo Open APIs. They can create either client or server applications capable of interacting with MoMo APIs. 

Every language SDK support API use cases such as Transfer Disbursements, Transfer Remittance Transfers, Debit Collections, Agent Services (inclusive of Cash-In and Cash-Out), Refund, validations.

Each language SDK is equipped with all the necessary libraries, reference materials, code examples, and tools that developers need for the construction of their solutions.


Step 1:

Before using the SDks Obtain the Subscription key with the below steps  

  1. Sign up https://momodeveloper.mtn.com

  2. Navigate to the products page https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/products

  3. Select drop down on product that suits the business case and subscribe

  4. Once Done, Subscription Keys are found via https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/developer

  5. Using the primary Keys update the SDK Configuration with the Keys. 



Step 2: 

Find the SDK requirements and download links via Github  below.


NOTE: Sandbox Provisioning Use case is a Onetime process generating API User and API Key for the sandbox. 


Ask the Community, if faced with challenges 


SDK Details 

Java SDK


  • Java JDK-1.8 or higher
  • Apache Maven 3 or higher

Git Hub MTN-Group/MoMoAPIs_Java_sdk (github.com)



Java Script SDK


  • Any Browser

Git Hub MTN-Group/MoMoAPIs_Javascript_sdk (github.com)




  • PHP 5.4+
  • cURL PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension

Git Hub MTN-Group/MoMoAPIs_Php_sdk (github.com)


Node.Js SDK


  • Node.js 16.19.1 LTS or higher

Git Hub MTN-Group/MoMoAPIs_Nodejs_sdk (github.com)


Android SDK


  1. Android Studio 4.0 or newer
  2. Android Platform Version: API 32
  3. Build gradle: 7.3.0 

Git Hub MTN-Group/MoMoAPIs_Android_sdk (github.com)



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