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Hello Team,

After getting the Access token for my disbursements app. All other endpoints  in the sandbox show bad request and resource doesn't exist errors.

Am asking what am I doing wrong since i need to proceed in the next step (going live) because in the collections all is working perfectly

Hello Team,

After getting the Access token for my disbursements app. All other endpoints  in the sandbox show bad request and resource doesn't exist errors.

Am asking what am I doing wrong since i need to proceed in the next step (going live) because in the collections all is working perfectly

Ensure that you didn't just copy paste body from collection request to disbursement request. The 2 have some differences

Also make sure you type the word Bearer in carmel casing, leave a space before pasting the token
Bearer xyztadgt12345678ksdldl….

It's because of the body perhaps..... In disbursements, there's an object serialized "payee" instead of "payer". That could  be the problem. Also check your url..., Like the previous answer, if u copy paste u can miss out leaving smaller details the same..... Rework it from scratch. 

Hello Team.

Please what is or how can I get the MOMO API ENDPOINT?

And also, I need a little assistance on how to Integrate momo pay using django . I am using angular as my front end. .

@philemon Try the sandbox for initial interaction with the API, all endpoints will be listed there e.g. 

APISandbox - Microsoft Azure API Management - developer portal (

for collection endpoints. For integration, use the same usual http requests, at least for Django!
