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Good morning MTN community 😊
I want to use Remittance product to allow my app users to transfer money to their friends.

I got confused about which endpoint to use, cashTransfer or Transfer.

  • in the transfer request body the sender is not mentioned, therefor the sender is my application account not my user’s account right?
  • in cashTransfer, are the funds transfered from the mtn mobile money account or in cash? and can you give me an example of values of the following attributes please?
    {    "orginatingCountry": "string",    "originalAmount": "string",    "originalCurrency": "string",    "payerIdentificationType": "PersonIdentificationType1Code",    "payerIdentificationNumber": "string",    "payerIdentity": "string",    "payerLanguageCode": "string",    "payerMsisdn": "string (Msisdn)",    "payerGender": "string"}
    Thank you for your help. @crankluga @allan.ddamulira @anicet @Maxie @Lubunde Job 

On the MoMo Developer community landing page,
scroll down to HOW TO VIDEOS and watch the remittances video to guide you.

cashtransfer end point will be the new API for remittances, more details are captured in the API body compared to the Transfer.

MoMo team will start Cashtransfer api will start deployment in different countries early November 2023 into Q1 2024.   

advised to work with both. 

