Hello all,
Below are a few challenging cases I encountered while in the production. Any help in any way will be of great help to many developers.
I successully make a request to pay but I have a case where the user enters
1.1) a wrong pin.
1.2) a pin not exactly 5 digits as required.
The end point does not return any error or response.
Normally I would need to get that error or response and do something server end.
How do I get around a case like this? Or is there a way to get that error message?
I have already used getRequestToPay/{X-referenceId} and it does not return anything in this case of a wrong pin.
When a user cancels a transaction, I noticed that it still remains in status PENDING and when a user uses USSD, they can access the requestToPay awaiting their confirmation.
I do not want this to happen. When a user cancels, the request should indeed be ended and not accessible any other way. how do i implement this.
How do i reduce the timeout time for requestToPay in the momo APIs.